A Ghost Story - Review

There are some who touch your heart. Leaving a lasting impression. Making you feel the most comfortable around them. These few in due course of time become your partners and partners in turn becomes the reason of your survival. You laugh with them, you smile with them, and you also get upset at them. You become yourself!! These emotions exhibit your true state to your loved ones. What happens when the one you love the most is no more?? You wake up on the same bed, but it's not the same anymore. You can't see that person next to you. You cry so loud hoping that it will reach them, but it's just hitting the empty walls. This is the most heart breaking thing one will ever experience. The silence is piercing your ears. Your eyes are in constant search for someone who will never come back. This is your side of the story. But what about the person who has left you?? Can you think of their pain? They might have left the physical medium that is, 'The body' bu...