Eternal Souls


On the pond of the drifting mind, came a feathered friend from memory lane.
Refreshing the traces which were erased since an epoch.Somewhere in depths, he sheltered those impressions with a hope that the universe will return him back his possession.His plight was similar to that nestling, who wants to fly in the ravishing sky, but has no wings.His expedition will pursue and so will hers. Covertly, showcasing the never-ending want of dreaming until their wish turns into reality.


  1. Honest feedback : Feels incomplete but its alright since its not important all stories to have conclusion ...

    You may try to integrate these feelings into a poem/song and this shall increase the effect several times .

  2. Thank you for reverting with genuine feelings. This will definitely add up to my experience. I would like to put some light on the characters. Two individuals separated by choice or destiny wanting to runite. Their struggle is still alive that's the ending.

  3. WOW, Ankit!!

    I am glad that I have peers like you who understand the gravity of the subject and why it's written in a peculiar format. Your comments and feedbacks are always going to be the A-lister. More power to you

  4. Nyc 1 yogi... Something that every1 feels....

    1. Thats true Rohit...
      A suppressed emotion that all feel but few express.
      Thank you for your comment.

  5. Deep imagination😊😊😊

  6. Beautifully written Yogi. Describes a state of mind no one is escaped from.

  7. Thank you so much Manish. Few love to be caged in that moment!!

  8. Very well written yogi..not much of a reader, hence not an expert..unique use of words..keep it up

  9. Thank you Rick. You don't have to be an expert to like something. You can relate with the article bcoz it struck a chord with you.Words act as anchor in my blog. So I have to select them very closely.

  10. Excellent blog
    Since almost everyone face that thing once in a life

  11. Thank you Sanket ji....
    Yes, these phases makes life worth while.

    Cheers :)

  12. It pleasure to get here the article u have written... It may give you eternal Peace n way of divine path. All the best

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Thank you so much Dad.. your blessings will definitely make me succeed in my journey.

  15. Nicely written's been illustrated so well..each of us live such moments once in a Lyf tym but to explain it so nicely can b done by all d best..wud love to read more.amazing work..

    1. Thank you so much. Anonymous !!

      Please let me know your name.

  16. Well construct ,short and simple with feel of Encouragement.

    Yogesh K


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