Desire 2 Burn

It began as a part of exploration, invading into an unknown territory. Striking off one more fancy that he had dreamed off.On that deserted night, he wandered for hours before uncovering a pitch-dark corner, marginally irradiated.

His anxious feet abruptly paused there, to commence the long awaited ordeal. With pulsating heartbeats he lit the DEMON an ally handed him. Inhaling a never ending dependency on drugs, giving complete control of self to the enslavement.


  1. Very succinct

  2. Too Intense description of the matter. Absolutely Brilliant!
    Keep it up Bro.. *thumbs up*

    1. Mr. Varma, thanks for reading my work so closely. I must say you have an eye for detail and hence I will say.

      An eye for an eye changes the world !!

  3. A really good matter.. very well written ...
    Yogesh K


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