The Unknown - Chapter 2

With some licks and drool on the face Mason woke up. It was Oliver, sitting on top of him with one of the cutest smiles.  Saying, “Dad get up, its Sunday! We are already late. We need to hit the road ASAP. Wear your Sunday dress and take me for a long drive NOW.” It was hard for Mason to disregard these strong signs displayed by Oliver.

Windows lowered, “Turn the Page by Metallica” on full volume and foot on the accelerator. In no time did the car race with the gushing winds. This was the sheer idea of happiness for Oliver. Mason was relishing this experience while the smooth roads complimented their drive. Oliver and Mason were too indulged in the moment.

On their way back home, Mason paused at a super market to buy some goodies, toys and chicken pedigree for Oliver. At the back of the mind, Mason knew, he was failing to give enough time and attention to Oliver and maybe that’s why Oliver stayed low during the major part of the day. Seeing Mason walk towards the car, Oliver started waggling his tail with full vigor. Just to tell him, “Dad, I missed you so much. Why did you take so long to return? “. Mason patted Oliver’s back, hugged him and kissed him before starting the car.

As they neared the house, Mason and Oliver exchanged a peculiar stare and instantly ran towards their apartment. It was obvious, that Oliver will win the race and having done the same, he started exclaiming his victory with all possible WOOFS! On arrival, they were taken aback. Cora had prepared a mouthwatering treat of Roast chicken, apple pie and fruitcake for them. Their day couldn’t have been any better.

Today, Mason and Cora discussed quiet a lot over the dinner table. While, Oliver rested peacefully alongside. Their scrumptious supper followed a crisp and an oaky flavored red wine and some country music. They were having some splendid time. Delighted by the day’s proceedings, Mason had forgotten yesterday’s episode of having witnessed some unusual occurrence at the window pane. It totally slipped his mind. As the couple comfortably lied down on the bed. Mason began to tell Cora about this important meeting he has tomorrow and how excited he is, to take up the new responsibility. In fact, he would be leading that project and a successful run would fetch him a promotion early next year. With all these thoughts, Mason drifted off to sleep.

The time on the clock was 3:13am. The room had become cold and was partially irradiated with a tiny lamp. This gave a hazy view of the bedroom. By then, Mason had begun to get a little restless. As he tossed and turned a bit, he felt a strong presence in the room which followed a sickening thud. This made him startled and he was completely gripped by fear. Mason woke up immediately, gathered himself and commenced his investigation. During all this chaos, Cora was unaffected and was fast asleep. After scanning the bedroom and other rooms, all Mason could find was dead silence. So, he decided to go back to bed. Mason was shit scared on his way back to the bedroom. As soon as turned the nob and push the door, he saw someone already lying next to Cora. That sight made him terror stricken and he started perspiring excessively. Mason’s mind had stopped functioning and he felt paralyzed on the outside. For a brief moment, he stood there helplessly without any signs of life. Few minutes later, Mason put all his strength together and walked towards the bed. His hands were quaking as he tried to pull the sheets of the body. On doing so, the air under the sheet vanished and the sheet settled on the bed. The body had evaporated.


  1. Mind blowing .... Amazing article ... Keeps u interested on Wat happens next ..!!

  2. Thank you for praising my hard work Sujata. It motivates me to write more and of course to keep you guys on the edge of your seats.

  3. Climax is the highlight of this piece. Thanks for liking my work Ankit.

  4. Just an apportunity to say ‘Waow’. It’s truly above and beyond.. keep it up

    1. Thank you Shraddha !
      Chapter 2 is my favorite too.
      I appreciate your love towards my work.

  5. very well crafted, especially the last para which gives adrenaline rush like the thrilling scene of a movie.. I look forward to see what's next.. may be something more complex that involves Cora and Oliver into the unpleasant experience of Mason; which could be in line with my interest Or may be something new which I haven't seen yet or thought about.. awaiting!!!

    1. Last para took a lot out of me to be honest. But, i think its worth the efforts. I was actually in the scene, when was writing the climax. Not sure of Cora's and Oliver's involvement in the supernatural experiences in the next chapter though. However, i promise to keep the bar raising. Thanks for the detailed feedback bro !!

  6. Looks like Mason has made a connection with the other side. This unidentified entity makes its presence felt in ways that gives shivers up the spine. I think it wants to be him im all means.

    1. There's a contact being made for sure. Let's see what's in store in the chapter 3. Thanks for the comment Ankit.

  7. Waooo its so edgy story...i want to know wht all going happn next

    1. Thanks Nia :) I am glad you liked it. Would try to release the 3rd chapter soon.


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