The Unknown - Chapter 2

With some licks and drool on the face Mason woke up. It was Oliver, sitting on top of him with one of the cutest smiles. Saying, “Dad get up, its Sunday! We are already late. We need to hit the road ASAP. Wear your Sunday dress and take me for a long drive NOW.” It was hard for Mason to disregard these strong signs displayed by Oliver. Windows lowered, “Turn the Page by Metallica” on full volume and foot on the accelerator. In no time did the car race with the gushing winds. This was the sheer idea of happiness for Oliver. Mason was relishing this experience while the smooth roads complimented their drive. Oliver and Mason were too indulged in the moment. On their way back home, Mason paused at a super market to buy some goodies, toys and chicken pedigree for Oliver. At the back of the mind, Mason knew, he was failing to give enough time and attention to Oliver and maybe that’s why Oliver stayed low during the major part of the day. Seeing Mason walk towards the car, Ol...